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Contact Us

Address: 399 Highgate
Private Bag 1911
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand

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Contact list


It is expected that no student will be absent for a reason other than illness or of an urgent nature, or for an authorised appointment.

Parents of day students (Years 0 to 13) are requested to notify the School Office by school app, email absences@columbacollege.school.nz or telephone by 9.00 a.m. on the day concerned of the student’s absence / late arrival to school.

Accounts Office

The Accounts Office is located on the first floor of the School Office.

Please contact the Finance team, with any enquiries.
Ph: +64 3 467 5188
Email: accounts@columbacollege.school.nz


Mrs Julie Elliotte, Assistant Principal Boarding & International
Email: jelliotte@columbacollege.school.nz


Ms Kath Evans, Careers Adviser
Telephone: +64 3 467 5188 Extn. 865
Email: careers@columbacollege.school.nz

Guidance Counsellor

Mrs Ada Crowe, Guidance Counsellor
Telephone: +64 3 467 5188
Email: counsellor@columbacollege.school.nz

International Department

Mrs Julie Elliotte, Assistant Principal Boarding & International
Telephone: +64 3 467 5188
Email: international@columbacollege.school.nz

Junior School

Mrs Marion Hogg, Assistant Principal Junior School
Telephone: +64 3 467 5188
Email: mhogg@columbacollege.school.nz

Sports Staff

Miss Dayna Turnbull, Director of Sport
Telephone +64 3 467 5188 Extn. 877
Email: dturnbull@columbacollege.school.nz

IT Technician

Mr Saul Moore
Telephone: +64 3 467 5188 Extn. 828
Email: smoore@columbacollege.school.nz

2nd Hand Uniform Shop

Email:  2ndhanduniform@columbacollege.school.nz

Parents Association

Telephone: +64 3 467 5188
Email: parentassociation@columbacollege.school.nz

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